I am a liberal, yes. Making a blog that centers not around arguments, but around constructive criticism to the rights and wrongs of both sides of the political spectrum.
The lighter side of a divided system
Published on April 7, 2005 By Wise American In Welcome
Well, this is my first blog ever, maybe I should introduce myself first. I'm a 21 year old liberal student of law at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. I just recently stumbled upon joeuser.com. I must say i quite enjoy all of the opinions expressed here, but have to say sometimes people get a little too angry and straight out mean. I figured I could maybe help to squelch some flaming by making a blog in which people can express their opinions in an intelligent, non-belligerent way. Flaming is not accepted here please take it to your own blog. Now for the first blog!

It has come to my attention, that many conservatives and liberals like to think that both their ways of thinking are 100% completely opposite, and that they are both 100% right. Now, an educated person would know that this is far from the truth. While their extreme values may be completely opposite, all american citizens share one thing in common, they want what is best for themselves, their families, and their country. Some of the things I disagree with from a conservative point of view, is that fact that many say they are pro-life, pro-capital punishment, and in many instances, pro-war. I would like to know why there is such hypocrisy in these statements. Something I disagree with liberals about was the establishment of NAFTA. NAFTA, although a good idea, just is not working, and something definately needs to be done about it in the near future. I figured that one solution might be fighting to keep jobs from being outsourced so that we might be able to depend on better quality american products that we could export, it seems like we barely export anything, and that we instead spend all of our time buying cheap goods from foreign countries.. Of course im not a genius politician, so im sure someone could find something wrong with that. Another liberal problem is the fact that instead of saying, Mr. Bush, we need to fix Social Security, let's try and work on a plan together, they threaten to not listen to anything his administration has put together, and while i know his administration has made some rather large mistakes, the least they could do is listen and make their own ideas. Perhaps they are afraid that because of the immense division in the congress that most conservatives would not listen to their ideas. Another thing I disagree with about conservatives and Mr. Bush is foreign policy, and their handling of the war on terrorism. This includes nuclear proliferation. I want to know what happened to Osama Bin Laden, and why instead of securing loose nuclear material and preventing it from getting into the hands of Iran and North Korea, we sent our armies into Iraq to remove a man who posed a less than significant threat to our country. There would have been plenty of time after we established a lockdown on loose nuclear materials to remove Saddam Hussein. I fear that this has made us less safe, from other terrorist nations. Although the one fear I did have, was that if Saddam Hussein died, his sons would gain control of Iraq, and they posed a much larger threat, seeing as how I am not sure they liked America very much. One thing liberals and conservatives can agree on, is that we need to find more fuel efficient cars, and if possible, completely rid ourselves of our dependence on fossil fuel sometime in the future. With gas prices shooting through the roof it does'nt make sense to me, why people want to drive luxury SUV's that get only 8-16 (i think) mpg. When will people realize that no one really cares if you drive a Honda Hybrid or an Escalade, it's transportation, it doesn't really matter how it looks.

I would like contructive opinions and input on all of the issues i've touched on today, and please no flaming, i'm trying to create a peaceful nation. In advance I would like to thank people for taking time to read my first blog. Give me any input you want or tips you would like to share in my email at AAAjunkie@hotmail.com

on Apr 07, 2005
contructive oops meant constructive
on Apr 09, 2005
Looks like you'll fit in quite well here!! Your first blog could very well be a synopsis of JoeUser in general.. Of course, you completely left out any Satire of Personal Tragedy, Disaster, War and Other Things that Just Plain Suck...Link
.. but hey, you're new here, so I'll let it slide (even if you are a liberal)!!! ;~D
on Apr 09, 2005
Thanks Para.